File Name Description Downloads 2D sample code for my Tutorial 1 (for XNA GSE Beta 1) 1733 Textured cube rendered with BasicEffect and Effect shader (for XNA GSE Beta 1) 1432 Rendering to Form's PictureBox (for XNA GSE Beta 1) 1670 Game Scripting and Effect Editors rendering to PictureBox (for XNA GSE Beta 1) 2923
UfoShip01.wmv Movie about flying battle from my school tutorial (C++, DirectX) 2393
dwarf-ninja.wmv Movie about figthing game from my school tutorial (C#, DirectX) 2883 2D sample code for my Tutorial 1 (XNA GSE Beta 2) 1966 Interactive 3D graphic application (XNA GSE Beta 2) 5991 Rendering to Form's PictureBox (for XNA GSE Beta 2) 1875
Anim0.avi Simple animation 2727
Bones.avi Cylinders animated with bones 2524
ManWalk.avi A man walking in the street 2635
Particicles.avi Particicles animation 2251
ReactorWater.avi Physics simulation 2258
VisibilityAnimation.avi Visibility animation 2222
WalkingInStreetSlow.avi Walking in city street (slow version) 2317
ArchitecturalAnimation.avi Mphinite 3D movie example: Architectural Animation 2267
FlowAnimation.m1v Mphinite 3D movie example: Flow Animation 2896
MachineAnimation.mpg Mphinite 3D movie example: Machine Animation 2331
PneumaticsAnimation.mpg Mphinite 3D movie example: Pneumatic Animation 2348
TinyLookAtKatana.avi Movie about XNA Skinning Sample (from Creators Club Online) modified by me 2531
Shadow1.avi Shadow map sample: PCF 3x3 2420 Java class for Lego Mindstorm RCX robot 3031 A movie about path finding RCX robot 1372 Setup to install an application that shows double buffering in PictureBox (.NET 2.0), it need C:\WINDOWS\Caffè.bmp file 1106
FindHitRedBall.avi A movie that shows NXT Lego robot that looking for a red ball and hit it… 2556
FindHitRedBall.jpg … and its program! 5829
ShowLight.rbt MINDSTORMS Projects: show light value on display. 2836
HitRedBall4.rbt MINDSTORMS Projects: find and hit a red ball. 3139
PathFinder3.rbt MINDSTORMS Projects: robot following a path. 3245
NXTPathFinder.jpg Immage program about NXT robot following a path. 3546
NXTPathFinder.avi Movie about NXT robot following a path. 2416
CONCHIGLIA2007.pdf Esame di stato scuole superiori (IT), utilizzo di Conchiglia. 5355 An AJAX/JSON/ASP.NET(C#)/SQL-Server simple example. 1563 A simple blog editor built with Flex. 1947 Console Game Application that use ASCII art. 1735 Sample to test NXT motors, sensors, buttons, display, bluetooth features. Remote bluetooth commander is wrote in C#. 1879
AlphaRexWalking.avi Movie about Alpha Rex walking and avoiding obstacles. 2687
BottoniStiliTemplateAnimazioni.pdf Breve tutorial Silverlight 4 sulla realizzazione di stili, template, animazioni per pulsanti. 1784 Mini corso sulla programmazione dei videogame 2D in WPF 1282
Laboratorio4° Laboratorio – classe 4°F – a.s. 2015-16, avventura testuale e grafica - PDF aggiornato mano a mano. 190